University of Wayamba


Wayamba University of Sri Lanka is the thirteenth national university in Sri Lanka. It was established as the Affiliated University College of North Western Province in 1991 and after it was become the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka "Wayamba mandapa" in 1996.It was a full flagged university naming as Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 1999. The main purpose of the university is offering English-medium degree, diploma and certificate courses (internal and external) in areas such as Agriculture, Applied Science, Management and Technology for students and working professionals. The courses are highly up-to-date and job-oriented.

The Wayamba University of Sri Lanka is headquartered at Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka. Its six faculties are in Makandura and Kuliyapitiya. The Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business Studies, Finance and Faculty of Technology and Faculty of Medicine were established at Kuliyapitiya. The Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management and Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries, and Nutrition are in Makandura.

  • Faculty of Livestock , Fisheries and Nutrition
  • Faculty of Business Studies and Finance
  • Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management


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